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North Allegheny High School

To Support

Our Students


Earn Instant Cash Back

On Your Daily Purchases

In Store or Online 

Introducing NA TapNPay+

North Allegheny would like to thank you for supporting our programs. By donating today, not only do you directly support North Allegheny, but you also gain access to members-only platform that allows you to earn instant cash back on daily purchases in-store or online! With over 270+ national brand partners, simply Tap, Pay, and Go!

All cash back earned is yours to keep. Plus, each purchase through the app also generates a TapNPay+ donation to North Allegheny. The more you use the app, the more you earn, PLUS support North Allegheny.
With TapNPay+ every one wins!
Donate Today & Enjoy the NA TapNPay+ Powered by ShoppingBoss

NA TapNPay+

is powered by ShoppingBoss

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See How it Works

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Support our teams and earn cash back at the same time

Frequently Asked Questions:


Who is ShoppingBoss? is an exclusive members only website and app experience. ShoppingBoss members spend millions of dollars annually through their accounts and earn an average of 5.4% cash back on their everyday purchases. We have partnered with them to provide a benefit to our donors who graciously support our athletics programs.


Why is a credit or debit card required?

Your cash is earned by paying for purchases using digital gift cards delivered instantly through the ShoppingBoss app or website.  With your card on file, this process is simple and faster than using a credit or debit card at checkout.  In fact, most members prefer using their app to make purchases because they aren't giving their credit card to cashiers or servers.  Add up to 10 payment methods to your account for convenient checkout. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we'd be happy to help!


What's my invitation code?

You do not need an invitation code if you access ShoppingBoss through the links on this page. You will be placed directly in the donation process to support North Allegheny Athletics. If you need any help at all, contact and we will be happy to help!

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